We had a fantastic time at the new Deluxe Odeon cinema in town today at [...]
We had a good Memory Cafe event with a special Guess the Smell game. Olga, [...]
We had a fantastic time at the Jesus Centre Tea Dance today!. We didn’t have [...]
We made the most of the beautiful warm weather and had a pleasant walk to [...]
We had a lovely time together with Little Acorns toddler group this morning! We had [...]
We had another fun Godly Play session today with Tracy telling the Parable of the [...]
We had great fun remembering Cliff Richard today and learning all about his life story [...]
Margaret Saunders had great fun today doing some sight reading on the piano. She even [...]
We enjoyed a lovely surprise visit from Rita and a dog she regularly walks called [...]
We had a lovely trip out to the Crucible tea dance with Vicky. The attendees [...]
This morning a young Asian lady, called Apoorva, came to teach us Bollywood dancing and [...]
This morning Vicky brought in the bottom of a bunch of celery to use as [...]
This afternoon Rozma brought in a cat. The cat was a little shy but he [...]
We had another excellent Irish Tea Dance at the Philadelphia Club. Olga and Margaret Pashley [...]
We celebrated World Radio today by comparing a very old radio with one of the [...]
We had a lovely trip out to Kelham Island Museum, as part of their Dementia [...]
We had a lovely time together in our Little acorn’s toddler session. We had our [...]
Had a wonderful Valentine’s Gardening Club session making Valentine hearts using rose petals and lavender [...]
We booked J J Galway ( a lovely Irish chap) to come and perform at [...]
We enjoyed listening to our favourite Country & Western singers today – Dolly Parton, Johnny [...]
Tracy and Rita took Olga, Margaret Saunders and Margaret Pashley along to the Buzz session [...]
We had great fun at the Memory Cafe today. Good to have two of our [...]
Valerie Loft, Marion Peck and Elsie all had a very peaceful time at the St [...]
Tracy brought in a record player and we all had great fun listening to some [...]
Today is World Read Out Aloud Day, so this morning Vicky got out a joke [...]
We had a fabulous time at the Jesus Centre tea dance. There were 45 attendees, [...]
We had an enjoyable trip out to Medieval Mayhem with Vicky and Tracy. We met [...]
We enjoyed looking at pictures of birds and trying to spot them in the garden, [...]
Tracy told the story of the Parable of the Sower which was well received by [...]
We all had great fun watching some old Elvis videos on YouTube. All the ladies [...]
We attended another exciting Memory Cafe event at the Parlour Cafe in Broomhall today – [...]
Tracy took Elsie and Margaret Saunders to Stephen Hill Church, a special request from Margaret [...]
We had an enjoyable Little Acorns session today! We had six parents/carers and seven children [...]
Caroline led an exciting Gardening/Bird session. We looked at pictures of garden birds, listened to [...]
We enjoyed a warm welcome from our Irish friends at the Philadelphia Club. Good to [...]
We had a lovely time together entertained by Russ Elliott. He not only sang our [...]
After the Christmas break, we were all keen to go along to the Memory Cafe [...]
We had a new singer join us today, Ralph Shaw, who brought along his dickie [...]
We were lucky enough to go and see a second pantomime this season! We saw [...]
We had another interesting Godly Play story from Tracy – the story of the Holy [...]
We enjoyed a fabulous Christmas dinner together, with all the trimmings. Whilst we waited, we [...]
We had a visit from Father Christmas on Christmas day morning. He came around and [...]
We had a lovely evening out at St Marks Church in Broomhill, as per invite [...]
We had a lovely outing to Broomhill Methodist Church, part of the Beacon circuit for [...]
We enjoyed a fabulous Christmas Party at the Buzz Club. We had a posh sit-down [...]
Members of St Thomas church, Crookes, came to sing carols to us this evening. Great [...]
The panto was exceptional this year. Don’t know how they improve it every year, but [...]
Billy attended for Coffee and presented us with a cheque for £200. This is to [...]
We had a lovely evening of singing and dancing provided by two young men form [...]
We had a visit from some of the St Marks choir tonight. The choir sang [...]
Our toddler group Christmas party was very enjoyable! Children, parents, staff and residents all seemed [...]
We had a fabulous Christmas Party with loads of friends, staff and family members turning [...]
This afternoons activity took part in the main Lounge. Greenery had been collected previously from [...]
North East Producers came to give us another in-house panto – this year it was [...]
Jenny and Frances (from St Marks church) led a small Holy Communion service in the [...]
Everyone enjoyed looking at the Royal Family books, replica crown jewels and commemorative mugs. A [...]
We enjoyed a Christmas themed Irish tea dance at the Philadelphia Club. Margaret Pashley met [...]
We had a very special opportunity to attend the annual Alzheimer’s Society Carols at Christmas [...]
Vicky and Jo are part of an Activities director’s support group, where they meet together [...]
We had another exciting Memory Cafe session at the Jesus Centre. Great to listen to [...]
A small group of us went along in three cars to the Upper Chapel for [...]
The Alzheimer’s Society was nominated by Peter, our carer as a fundraising session that we [...]
This afternoon we had a visit from a group called Splinter, who played folk music [...]
We had a session of Oaks and Acorns this morning, led by Rachel. We had [...]
Jo organised a nativity puppet show for us, using puppets that she has previously handmade [...]
Great to have 20 of us enjoying a meal together at The Moorlands, Owler Bar. [...]
This morning we had 8 parents, 11 children, 8 residents and then Vicky who ran [...]
We had over 40 people attend out tea dance this time! It was nice to [...]
We had a fantastic trip out to the Showroom Cinema to the Dementia friendly screening [...]
We had another interesting Memory Cafe session at the Jesus Centre. Tracy took along her [...]
It was great fun celebrating Valerie Chadwick’s 90th birthday today along with the forthcoming birthdays [...]
We enjoyed an Oaks and acorns session lead by Rachel this morning. We sat at [...]
It was a cold, damp morning but we braved the weather and walked to St [...]
We enjoyed another St Marks Communion Service in the conservatory. Good to have Frances and [...]
We had a trip out to the Crucible to take part in the tea dance. [...]
Today we had a lovely session with Caroline and Jo, making cards using dried ferns [...]
We had a special toddler group this week! We had a pyjama drama session with [...]
Vicky and Becky asked a few ladies if they wanted to go to the moor [...]
Two cars full of residents and relatives went along to the Philadelphia Club for the [...]
We had another enjoyable Memory Cafe session at the Parlour Cafe in Broomhall with the [...]
It was good to have friends and relatives join us for our Remembrance Sunday Service. [...]
Vicky and Rita took us to St Andrews church for the Buzz coffee morning. We [...]
Paul Barrie came to sing for us and help us to celebrate Margaret Seal’s 95’th [...]
We had lovely time at our Little acorn’s toddler session this week! We had 7 [...]
We had a small Halloween party, organised by Vicky. We had simple Halloween decorations hung [...]
This morning we made some pumpkin lanterns with Vicky and Kristian in the dining room. [...]
Vicky and Jo took us to the Showroom cinema to see Meet me in St [...]
Our 2nd Tea Dance at the Sheffield Jesus Centre was a success. We are going [...]
Today our session was based around both practical Autumnal Floristry – flower arranging, poetry and [...]
Vicky and Tracy took Margaret Seal, Olga, Tricia and Janet to Medieval Mayhem play centre [...]
We had another packed house for our monthly Godly Play story with many visitors and [...]
We had another exciting Oaks & Acorns toddler session. Haven’t had one since June, because [...]
Catherine Carr, who played guitar, Patrick Smith on vocals and percussion and Phil Croft on [...]
Vicky and Rita took us to the Farm Rd Social Club tea dance that was [...]
We had a fabulous birthday celebration for Valerie Loft, with Barbara, a Beautiful Flamenco dancer, [...]
Tracy took along Mary and Margaret Pashley to another of the monthly Irish Tea Dances [...]
We had 11 parents and toddlers join us this week, some familiar faces and some [...]
Roy’s family came in to give us a wonderful, interactive song and dance therapy session [...]
Lucy came to encourage us to take part in gentle exercise to music. We started [...]
We enjoyed the monthly trip to the Crucible Tea Dance with Vicky and Jo. Jill, [...]