We had lots of bananas that were on the turn, so Kirsty had the idea [...]
This morning Vicky put on the new Lost Chord Video entries on YouTube and we [...]
This morning Vicky got out the mechanical cats, which is one of our top 5 [...]
This afternoon Vicky got out the Bingo machine and asked who would like to join [...]
Peter kindly lent us his copy of Singing in the rain, so we put that [...]
This morning Vicky got out some sugar paste icing. The original idea was to make [...]
This afternoon we were meant to be playing active games with Vicky, but a lot [...]
You have all been so generous with gifts for the Home, with a little assistance [...]
After 12 long weeks with little contact, there was tears of joy today and Julie [...]
This afternoon we had a birthday party to celebrate the birthdays of Margaret S, who [...]
This morning we experimented with decorating recycled shampoo bottles with ribbon, glue and tape to [...]
This afternoon we had some fun watching some of the Lost Chord entertainers that usually [...]
This morning we got the Scrabble and other word games out and people had fun [...]
This afternoon Helen brought in the seeds that some of the residents planted a few [...]
This morning Helen asked residents if they would like a bit of pampering in the [...]
Today is Margaret Sounder’s birthday. Vicky went down and sang happy birthday and 21 today [...]
This afternoon we played brain games with Vicky in the main lounge and dining room. [...]
Just a few ways that you have been communicating and blessing your loved ones during [...]
We just want to say a big think you for all of the support we [...]
This morning Vicky went around with the reminiscence books and spent some one to one [...]
This afternoon Helen got a variety of tabletop activities and games out and residents chose [...]
This afternoon Vicky set up an arts and crafts activity in the dining room. We [...]
Whilst out in the garden, Vicky had another round with the Snapchat. We had lots [...]
This afternoon we sat out in the garden for some fresh air, fun and exercise. [...]
Today Vicky came around and offered us manicures. This included hand and nail cleansing, clipping, [...]
This afternoon we played the Category game with Vicky, where we had to think of [...]
Helen decided that everyone needed livening up a bit, so we got the song sheets [...]
This afternoon Helen asked who would like to come in the garden to help with [...]
This afternoon Vicky played a few games of Bingo with us in the dining room. [...]
This morning Vicky went around and introduces some of our residents to Snapchap, and had [...]
As the weather was so lovely, Helen asked residents if they would like to spend [...]
Helen gathered those that wanted to, around the dining room table for a Sunday hymns, [...]
This afternoon we had Russ Elliot come and sing for us, to help us to [...]
This morning Vicky came around with the pampering trolley and offered face cleansing, perfume, hair [...]
Today Vicky went around asking who would like a manicure. The options were hand washing, [...]
This afternoon Deborah put the karaoke on and we had a mixture of sixties and [...]
It was a beautiful morning so Helen asked who would like to sit in the [...]
This morning Vicky got out the Aqua Paint mats and set them up with water [...]
This morning Vicky got out some squares of Aida fabric, wool and plastic sewing needles. [...]
This morning Vicky brought baby Sienna to see us. We enjoyed having cuddles, reminiscing about [...]
This afternoon Helen got the bag of percussion out and everyone who wanted to chose [...]
Helen got some memory games out this morning and we started with the proverb game [...]
This afternoon Vicky got out the cupcakes that we baked yesterday, so that we could [...]
We sometimes have a visit from the musicians from the Lost Chord charity but as [...]
This afternoon we had an unstructured afternoon called Residents Choice. Some of us went for [...]
This morning we baked some cupcakes with Vicky. We all had a turn at adding [...]
This morning Vicky came around encouraging us to sign Jenny’s birthday card. If we couldn’t [...]
This afternoon Helen put the original version of Black Beauty on and this seemed to [...]
This morning Helen went round offering manicures to residents and used this as an opportunity [...]
This morning Vicky got out the Dementia friendly books and handed them around. Some residents [...]
Thank you to Glenn and Rosey Somerset who have sent us a card and two [...]
This afternoon Vicky got out the “Trolley of fun” and put on some jolly Irish [...]
This morning Vicky played the category game and finish the proverbs game with us in [...]
Helen asked residents if they would like to share some of their photographs with other [...]
Residents have received so many nice cards and letters from family and friends so this [...]
This morning Helen spent some quality time with those residents who were in their rooms [...]
This afternoon Helen got out the simple painting, where residents just need to paint the [...]
This morning Helen led some chair exercise in the lounge. We started with some quiet [...]
It was a bit chilly for walks in the garden as planned so as everyone [...]
This morning, Helen asked residents if they would like be part of the hymns, prayers [...]
This afternoon Vicky made a game of toss the tea bags in the dining room. [...]
This morning Vicky got out the karaoke machine. Everyone was sleepy so we had some [...]
This afternoon Annie helped us to celebrate the 75th Anniversary of V.E Day by singing [...]
Because it was V.E Day and the weather was beautiful we had the option of [...]
Vicky made a game for us to play. It was a spin on pin the [...]
Vicky made a union jack photo booth and went round taking photos of those who [...]
This morning Vicky went around offering, make overs, perfume and jewellery. Some residents declined, some [...]
This afternoon Debra played dominoes in the dining room. Olga, Mary and Pam played the [...]
This afternoon Vicky went round offering manicures, including hand and nail cleansing, clipping, filing, painting [...]
This morning Matthew Laurie (Roy’s son) kindly came and played his Ukulele and Penny whistle [...]
This morning Vicky set up the Bingo game for us in the dining room. We [...]
We were sent a wonderful package from Rachel Dixon that the children of Westfield school [...]
This afternoon, those residents who wanted to helped to plant seeds that have been donated [...]
This morning we got the table tennis out as well as an array of ball [...]
This afternoon we got the lovely picture books out to share but most people preferred [...]
This morning Helen played the ever popular alphabet game with residents and a lot of [...]
This after Margaret and Mildred had a tinkle on the piano. Margaret and Vicky spontaneously [...]
This afternoon we decorated biscuits together with icing pens. Vicky is going to bring in [...]
This morning Vicky lead us in a small church service in the main lounge. Vicky [...]
Rather than buying birthday cards we decided to try making our own using pictures cut [...]
Today Helen brought in some bits that she has collected such as feathers, cones and [...]
Tracy brought out our library of Pictures to Share books for residents to look at, [...]
Today we said goodbye to Tracy, one of our Activities co-ordinators. Tracy has been given [...]
This afternoon Vicky went around the care home, explaining that we can’t have any visitors [...]
We celebrated Vicky’s birthday today with a lemon cake that was lovingly made by Mary, [...]
We had fun doing some flower arranging in the main lounge this morning, as a [...]
Tracy asked what activity the residents would like this morning and Susan said a guitar [...]
Elsie, Nicole, Margaret S and Mildred all received mail today which they enjoyed opening and [...]
This afternoon we had a good session of playing the alphabet game, thinking of things [...]
This morning Helen got the percussion and the song sheets out and we had a [...]
Pam C, Susan, Jenny and Nicole chose to play with the Scrabble cards this afternoon. [...]
Olga, Susan, Jenny and Nicole all enjoyed looking at and trying on costume jewellery this [...]
Anne, Margaret P, Mary and Pam C all chose to help make Vicky’s birthday cake, [...]
This afternoon Vicky sat with us and showed us how to make simple bird feeders. [...]
All the staff would like to express their heartfelt thanks for all the wonderful gifts, [...]
We had a full room for our in-house church service today. Tracy led on the [...]
This morning Vicky and Tracy took Anne, Marjory, Janet and Deborah for a stroll around [...]
Caroline Cook sent us an Easter Card she had made, sending her best wishes to [...]
Margaret S, Lois and Win all chose to sit out in the garden this afternoon. [...]