Residents enjoyed a colourful, beautifully decorated Halloween Party with some exciting games, including the Spider [...]
This morning we had a pumpkin making session in the conservatory, the main lounge [...]
We had another exciting Motion session this afternoon with lots of residents sat in a [...]
Staff went round residents showing them items from the Godly Play box and this led [...]
Some residents chose to take part in creative activities this morning.. Edith and Peggy helped [...]
We enjoyed a small group baking activity this morning making Rice Crispie Pumpkins. These were [...]
Residents were pleased to have their hair done, manicures, nails painted, etc. this morning. All [...]
We were very pleased to have individual Lost Chord performances with three of our residents [...]
Some residents were sat in the main lounge and enjoyed watching and listening to the [...]
Some chose to replant some of the “babies” from our “Mother of Thousands” plant in [...]
Residents chose to listen to a Howard Keel CD in the Conservatory this morning. The [...]
Some residents chose to look through the Halloween decorations and activity ideas from last year [...]
Residents chose to help do a few “homely” activities throughout the day, ladies peeling and [...]
We had a fun flower arranging activity using fresh flowers and hand decorated jam jars. [...]
This afternoon we enjoyed another session of motion with Zeezy via portal tv , we [...]
This afternoon we had a chat about hobbies and pastimes that the residents had [...]
Today we chose to engage our brains in a few memory games. We started with [...]
We decided to have a game of balloon tennis this afternoon. This got competitive very [...]
This morning we enjoyed a musical theatre session. We handed around old musical programmes and [...]
11.10.2022 Today we had a golf session with Golf in society, we were shown [...]
Some residents chose to paint a sunset today on textured wallpaper. Great fun and a [...]
Residents were pleased to watch a new Dementia TV film about a school trip to [...]
We enjoyed a baking activity in the Green Lounge this morning whilst listening to some [...]
Residents enjoyed an in-person Motion experience with Zeezy this afternoon. A great way of working [...]
Residents had a lively in-house church service using percussion instruments and the guitar. Great exercise [...]
There were a lot of visits and outings with family this weekend which was very [...]
Residents chose to have a percussion singalong session in the main lounge. We sang some [...]
We had an enjoyable time creating an Autumn masterpiece using pressed and laminated leaves. Some [...]
We had another wonderful time at the Crucible Tea Dance this afternoon. The room was [...]
Residents enjoyed another relaxing Songbirds session in the Conservatory this afternoon, using shakey eggs and [...]
A large group of residents enjoyed today’s Yoga session with Sherry. This was her first [...]
Some residents enjoyed playing the very popular Alphabet Game this morning and both Marion and [...]
Residents had fun at this week’s Motion session with lots of us seated in a [...]
Residents enjoyed looking at three large cross stitch pictures of three ladies. It was hard [...]
Residents enjoyed a 1980’s themed party in the main lounge, celebrating the wonderful music of [...]
We enjoyed a Hillsborough Park tram outing on a bright, sunny day taking six residents [...]
Some residents in the main lounge chose to look at different videos from the Dementia [...]
Residents enjoyed a reminiscence activity, looking through picture books and focusing on memories of the [...]
Over the weekend, residents chose to do all kinds of activities, including picking a musical [...]
Over the weekend, most of the residents chose to help make lavender bag for themselves, [...]
Residents enjoyed some dressing up fun using old scarves, men’s accessories, hats and costume jewellery. [...]
Residents were pleased to go on a cycle ride to the General Cemetery or [...]
We enjoyed another exciting Motion session with Zeezy via the portal TV. The lounge was [...]
Some of our residents had 1-1 sessions throughout the day today. Bert enjoyed helping cut [...]
Residents enjoyed a Holy Communion Service with visiting choir members (Jennifer and Francis) from [...]
Residents enjoyed this sensory herbal tea tasting session this morning. We had jugs of [...]
Residents chose to have a fun afternoon together in the main lounge. Staff read out [...]
Residents enjoyed looking through some of their favourite books this morning and sharing some of [...]
We had a lovely Motion exercise class with Zeezy in person. Lots of folk wanted [...]
We continued with our apron embroidery project this morning and found this very relaxing. Staff [...]
We had an enjoyable “Men Only” (apart from the female photographer) afternoon in the Green [...]
Residents enjoyed a guitar singalong this morning using song sheets. Definite favourites being “Oh What [...]
We had a superb joint Birthday celebration for Monica (90 today) and Colin (who will [...]
We have a new subscription to My Life TV (a dementia friendly TV channel) and [...]
We had another lively Songbirds session with our beautiful Yo and her gorgeous soprano voice. [...]
A few residents chose to help staff make some Rocky Road this morning for a [...]
We had an enjoyable church service this morning with a select few as many of [...]
We spent a pleasant morning looking through our Royal Family memorabilia and talking about the [...]
Some of us spent a pleasant afternoon doing some dried flower arranging with grasses and [...]
We had another enjoyable Friday afternoon seated exercise class with Zeezy from Motion. Good to [...]
Some of our keen bakers were happy to help make apple pies this morning ready [...]
Today we had our monthly outing to the Crucible Theatre for the tea dance. We [...]
Penny enjoyed her birthday party very much, as did the rest of the residents. What [...]
We had a lovely morning looking at old photos from the 1930’s, old movie stars, [...]
Residents enjoyed a lovely time in the Conservatory this morning having a special Memory Cafe [...]
Residents loved the Motion exercise class with Zeezy on the TV portal this afternoon. Lots [...]
We spent a lovely morning reminiscing about household chores whilst polishing brasses, matching up socks, [...]
We had a wonderful day out in Bridlington with two minibuses and two cars travelling [...]
Staff and Jenny’s grandchildren helped pick and water runner beans this afternoon. Folk in the [...]
We had two church services in the care home this morning. One in the Conservatory [...]
We spent an enjoyable morning playing memory games today in the main lounge. Lots of [...]
We enjoyed another exciting Motion chair exercise class this afternoon. The residents were very lively [...]
We decided to have a longer journey to Endcliffe Park today with Carolyn as our [...]
We had a very lively “disco” in the main lounge over teatime and into the [...]
Some residents chose to do some jewellery making with wooden painted beads and were very [...]
Folk enjoyed reminiscing about the Motion Sports Day, reading the Star newspaper article (A3 laminated) [...]
This afternoon Janet had a birthday party, we had Phil Lawrence come to sing some [...]
We had another excellent Motion exercise class with our friend Zeezy. Great to have so [...]
We invited our old friends (past volunteers) Rita and Betty over for a doggy morning. [...]
Residents were encouraged to take part in the famous “Alphabet Game” this morning in the [...]
It was wonderful to have Suzi join us for some very interactive singalongs encouraged by [...]
Some residents chose to sit in the patio area this morning and started chatting about [...]
Quite a few residents were keen to get involved in our baking activity this morning. [...]
Following on from the church service, we were encouraged to play a few garden games [...]
We decided to have our weekly church service in the garden this morning to make [...]
We changed the Gardening Club to the morning to try and avoid the excessively hot [...]
We had another enjoyable Motion exercise session with Zeezy leading via the TV portal. He [...]
Peter our pilot was happy to make three trips around Botanical Gardens on a beautiful, [...]
We had a lovely morning looking at Pictures to Share books, singing, reciting proverbs and [...]
This afternoon John had his birthday party with Ralph singing (the chap who sang at [...]
This afternoon, we got out the “Pictures to share” books. Some of us looked at [...]
This morning we had our monthly nature club. Last month we went for walks in [...]
Today we had our monthly trip to the Crucible tea dance. We started by eating [...]
We held an impromptu Gardening Club this morning as the weather was so lovely and [...]
We had a joyful Sunday morning service in the Conservatory today with lots of folk [...]
Today we went to the English Institute of Sport for our annual sports day run [...]
This morning Vicky got out the self-esteem sheets and went through them with our newest [...]
This afternoon we had a session of Motion with Zeezy, via portal TV. Our helpers [...]
We enjoyed another exciting Cycling Without Age session with cheerful Peter the pilot and Leonard, [...]
This afternoon we had a visit from Jasper and Cleo, our mechanical cat’s. We enjoyed [...]