
This afternoon we made lemon creams together with Vicky.  She did two sessions, one in the quiet room, and one in the dining room. We started by sifting the icing sugar, and then added a mixture of egg white, lemon essence, and a drop of colouring. We mixed it all together, until combine. After we had mixed it Vicky shared the dough evenly between us all, and showed us how to roll them into balls, and flatten them with a fork to form disks. Whilst we were having our 3pm refreshments, Vicky melted some chocolate so that we could decorate them.  We could either dip them or drizzle chocolate on them. We tried both, and agreed that dipping was, easier, tidier, and looked more aesthetically pleasing. After we had finished, we were left with some melted chocolate, so Vicky brought in some banana and sliced it up for us to dip and eat as a snack. We very much enjoyed this! The treats are cooling, so we can enjoy them tomorrow. Next time we do a session we are going to have a go at making coconut ice.