Anne Padget – 9th February 2018

Anne Padget 2

Anne Padgett (Someone we know from St Mark’s church) came to sing for us to help us celebrate Win’s 90th birthday. Anne had a beautiful singing voice and she took us through some of the old wartime favourites. 

Win’s son, Richard, played the violin and his wife, Rosie, played the clarinet. Beautiful! We had the wonderful history board that Tracy made which we all enjoyed reading, it will be displayed on the “Wall of Fame” in the main lounge. We presented Win with a large birthday card that we all signed. Betty came along and brought her faithful dog, Willow with her, whom we always love to see. We finished the celebrations with chocolate cake, made and decorated by Tracy, Margaret Pashley and Jean, and hot drinks.

Anne Padget 2  Anne Padget 9.2.18

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