MacMillan Coffee Morning – 30th September 2017

Macmillan 30.9.17


This was an extremely well attended event this year with the small lounge packed with happy friends and relatives and residents. Masses of cake left over which we will be eating for the next week! 


We had six entrants for the Bake-Off Competition and Rita won with her Raspberry, White Chocolate and Lime cake. Though Jorge (our chef) found it a very difficult decision as all the cakes were delicious. Thank you to Suzanne, Kathy, Pat, Julie and Ursula for competing too. We raised £125 which was fantastic! Thank you to everyone who came along as well as those who           pre-donated cakes and money, as some could not attend.

Macmillan 30.9.17  Macmillan 2

Macmillan 4  Macmillan 5