Residents enjoyed painting some pottery which encouraged mobility with their hands and sensory stimulation. [...]
Residents enjoyed an intimate Holy Communion Service in the Conservatory, for all those who were [...]
This morning we enjoyed an exciting visit from the Hallam University Nursery and had a [...]
Residents enjoyed a wonderful Lost Chord session with Nicola (soprano) and Martin (keyboard). They performed [...]
Bert enjoyed a trip out to Weston Park Museum in taxi. We had a look [...]
Residents enjoyed reminiscing about their past during a fun-filled café experience. We had a balloon [...]
Residents enjoyed a trip down Memory Lane this afternoon, looking through some old artefacts including [...]
A few residents chose to come out onto the decking this morning to help water [...]
Edith helped to wrap raffle prizes and fold up tickets this morning. Not the most [...]
Residents chose to take part in another invigorating Motion chair exercise class with Zeezy via [...]
Peggy and Carol enjoyed a ride out on Rhubarb the tri-bike with pilots Maggie and [...]
Residents enjoyed playing fun filled memory games which included throwing and catching a ball with [...]
Residents enjoyed another exciting Community Games event at the English Institute of Sport with Nightingales [...]
Residents enjoyed a coach trip out to the Coal Mining Museum in Wakefield. Good to [...]
Residents enjoyed John’s 80th birthday party with Nicola who played the Cello and sang some [...]
Some of our male residents chose to sit in the garden together having a bitter [...]
Residents enjoyed a creativity filled glass and pottery painting session. They were offered small glasses [...]
The residents enjoyed a nostalgic experience when they were presented with various cleaning items. Most [...]
Residents enjoyed an in-person Motion session with lots of residents and volunteers willing to take [...]
Residents enjoyed helping to bake a banana cake this morning. Lots of reminiscing, whisking and [...]
Residents enjoyed making mocktails this afternoon. We followed a few recipes and had great fun. [...]
Residents enjoyed a group church event, singing action songs together, choosing favourite Christian postcards complete [...]
Residents enjoyed a small group visit from residents of Twelve Trees Care Home – Joan, [...]
Residents enjoyed some time out in the sun on the back decking for our Gardening [...]
Residents enjoyed a large-group Motion session over portal with Zeezy this afternoon. It encouraged the [...]
Residents helped to celebrate Mary’s and Norah’s birthdays today joining in with a fantastic concert [...]
Residents enjoyed another visit from Stanley when Rita brought him in. They took part in [...]
Residents enjoyed participating in Golf in Society with Charles and enjoyed a friendly competition. William [...]
Residents enjoyed a large group in-person experience with Zeezy this afternoon, with an hour’s fun [...]
Bryan and Sheila enjoyed a Cycling Without Age experience around Botanical Gardens with Maggie as [...]
We held a Residents Meeting in the Conservatory and had a few relatives join us [...]
Residents enjoyed a time of group recitation and individual reading of favourite poems. Staff also [...]
A few residents were delighted to be invited to the Hallam Uni Nursery Graduation ceremony [...]
Residents enjoyed a Holy Communion Service with Jennifer and Frances leading this as members of [...]
Residents enjoyed a lively Lost Chord concert with Gary on drums and Luke singing and [...]
Residents enjoyed a one-to-one time looking at Pictures to Share Books with wonderful photos with [...]
Residents enjoyed an afternoon of petting and cuddling our therapy cats, Jasper and Clio. They [...]
Residents formed a big circle in the main lounge and enjoyed a Motion session with [...]
A few of our male residents enjoyed a sunny afternoon on the back decking for [...]
The Interactive Tablet allowed residents to work in groups and one to one this afternoon, [...]
Residents enjoyed a morning of aqua painting. This is a wonderful activity where we use [...]
Residents were pleased to see the “man in the blue suit” – our Paul Barrie [...]
A small group of residents enjoyed an outing to the Crucible today in car. It [...]
Residents participated in a nostalgic dementia cinema experience at Theatre Deli where they watched the [...]
Residents participated in many chocolate themed activities as part of National Chocolate Day that included [...]
Peter (with his daughter Tracy) and Norah (accompanied by Grace) enjoyed a Cycling Without Age [...]
Residents enjoyed a one-to-one Nature Club activity this afternoon with a basket of shells and [...]
Residents chose to take part in a variety of activities this morning. Some enjoyed reading [...]
Residents enjoyed an in-person Motion session with Zeezy. Good to have volunteers, Shania and Krystal [...]
Residents enjoyed a sensory experience with a selection of soft toys. We had a lucky [...]
Residents enjoyed some thorough pampering this morning with visits from the chiropodist and hairdresser. Staff [...]
Residents enjoyed a group discussion in the Conservatory this afternoon. Peter and William shared their [...]
Residents enjoyed a morning spent with staff and children from the Sheffield Hallam Nursery children [...]
Residents enjoyed a light-hearted church service this morning. Residents were given the opportunity to read [...]
Residents enjoyed a mini mobile zoo visit from Sam and her children Denver and Jessie [...]
Residents enjoyed interacting with a giant screen this morning. We watched a frog and fish [...]
Residents enjoyed a flower arranging activity this morning. It was good to have the opportunity [...]
Residents enjoyed another exciting Motion session with Zeezy via the TV portal. Good to have [...]
John and Eddie chose to go out on the tri-bike this morning with Peter as [...]
Residents enjoyed a variety of activities this afternoon. Some were involved in a musical instrument [...]
Residents enjoyed another visit from Stanley the Yorkshire Terrier (his first being when he came [...]
Residents enjoyed an afternoon of golf with Charles from the charity Golf in Society. The [...]
Residents had an enjoyable morning in groups or as a one-to-one activity, helping at doing [...]
Residents had an enjoyable one to one time with activity staff this afternoon relaxing, chatting [...]
Residents enjoyed having their hands and nails done this morning which included a massage for [...]
Everyone enjoyed a fabulous sunny day out on the canal with the Ethel Barge Community [...]
Residents enjoyed a North East Production of the show, Mother Knows Best. We were entertained [...]
Zuandi and Lilian enjoyed a ride around Botanical Gardens with Peter the Cycling Without Age [...]
Residents enjoyed reading newspapers or books, listening to songs from the musicals and watching a [...]
Residents enjoyed a reminiscence activity, looking at a large map of the world and discussing [...]
Residents enjoyed an outdoor Motion exercise class with Zeezy this afternoon. Great to be either [...]
Residents enjoyed a Holy Communion Service with Frances and Jenny from St Marks. We enjoyed [...]
Residents enjoyed a gardening activity this morning and we looked at books and laminated A3 [...]
Residents were thrilled to spend an afternoon with Lost Chord with Tim on keyboard and [...]
Residents enjoyed some memory games this morning. We chose to play the famous Alphabet Game [...]
Our male residents enjoyed Father’s Day, opening and reading cards and presents with staff, talking [...]
Residents enjoyed a very informal service this morning, concentrating mostly on memories of our fathers [...]
Residents, families, friends and staff enjoyed a wonderful Garden Party this afternoon. The rain held [...]
Residents enjoyed a more relaxed, gentle exercise class today, due to the hot weather. We [...]
We had a wonderful cycling experience this morning around Botanical Gardens with Clare and Marion [...]
Residents enjoyed an afternoon of beer tasting to celebrate Beer Day Britain. We rated the [...]
Residents took part in making fimo shapes, key rings, badges, and magnets. Staff did a [...]
Residents enjoyed playing indoor football. We all had fun and laughter enjoying the sport. We [...]
Residents enjoyed an afternoon in person with Zeezy. More residents joined in the exercise program [...]
Residents enjoyed this afternoon with Cleo the cat. Residents found it very therapeutic and self [...]
Residents enjoyed a lovely trip to the crucible tea dance today with Susan St [...]
Some residents chose to sit in the garden for afternoon tea, to enjoy the warm [...]
Residents enjoyed a joyful church service in the Conservatory this morning. Most chose to play [...]
Residents enjoyed another superb Motion Community Games event at the English Institute of Sport. It [...]
Residents enjoyed another exciting afternoon of Motion. We started with warm up exercises and progressed [...]
Residents chose to do an aqua painting activity this afternoon. It’s just like magic and [...]
Bert asked if he could go out for a walk. Staff obliged and we had [...]
Residents chose to do a variety of things this morning. Some read a local newspaper, [...]
Residents enjoyed an afternoon using the Interactive Tablet. They chose different categories with discussion raised [...]
Residents enjoyed a fun afternoon taking part in a Memory Cafe event. We joined in [...]
Residents enjoyed watching a Life TV documentary about cruise ships as part of our Around [...]
Residents enjoyed a lovely time in our beautiful garden, socialising over tea, coffee and scones [...]
Residents enjoyed a fast and fun activity today playing golf. 10 residents joined in and [...]
Residents enjoyed a lively exercise class with Zeezy via the portal. Great to have a [...]