Peggy (with her son Peter) and Ken enjoyed a Cycling Without Age experience on the [...]
Residents enjoyed a special time with our therapy cats Cleo and Jasper this afternoon. Some [...]
Residents enjoyed repotting some of our tomato and cucumber plants this morning. They are now [...]
Residents enjoyed a wonderful performance from Annie this afternoon who sang well known songs from [...]
Residents enjoyed a fun time in the garden this afternoon, looking at Royal memorabilia, enjoying [...]
Residents enjoyed playing the memory ball game today. We had fun singing and answering the [...]
Residents enjoyed a few games of Bingo this afternoon. William won a line and Bryan [...]
Keith was very pleased to receive a card from old friends, which included some photos. [...]
Residents went to Hillsborough Park via tram which was fun and we walked around the [...]
Residents and a few relatives chose to be part of the Residents Meeting this afternoon. [...]
Some residents enjoyed a family visit, an opportunity to admire the garden and enjoy the [...]
Residents chose to take part in a Gardening Club session either indoors or outdoors, involving [...]
Residents enjoyed a TV portal Motion chair exercise experience with Zeezy, staff and Krystal volunteering. [...]
Bert thoroughly enjoyed a ride around Endcliffe Park accompanied by his son Adam. Carolyn was [...]
Residents enjoyed the opportunity to talk about their favourite places in the world, encouraged by [...]
Jennifer and Frances came from St Marks and gave residents Holy Communion. Residents enjoyed singing [...]
Residents thoroughly enjoyed a very energetic Lost Chord performance from Luke (on guitar, digeridoo and [...]
Residents enjoyed helping to finish off embroidering an apron. A good opportunity to discuss past [...]
Residents enjoyed nursing the reborn doll. This brought a smile to their faces and a [...]
Residents enjoyed an in-person Motion exercise class with Zeezy. Good to have Krystal there helping [...]
Residents chose to play the highly competitive game called the Alphabet Game in the main [...]
Residents chose to do a variety of activities this morning. Bert wanted a walk out [...]
This afternoon we decided to write a letter to the nursery children to thank them [...]
This morning we had a lovely visit from Hallam University Nursery children. We had a [...]
Residents enjoyed being pampered by the hairdresser this morning and later having their nails manicured [...]
Residents enjoyed a trip out to Crucible Tea Dance. Beki Austin sang some wonderful songs [...]
Residents enjoyed taking part in some sensory games this afternoon involving either guessing different smells [...]
Residents enjoyed admiring a Coronation Cake kindly made and donated by Margaret Holland (Karen’s mum). [...]
Residents chose to do a variety of activities today – looking at A3 laminated pictures [...]
Residents enjoyed an informal church service in the Conservatory this morning. Good to have William [...]
Residents enjoyed a lovely Coronation afternoon tea party, watching the King’s Coronation on TV and [...]
Residents enjoyed watching the King’s Coronation today on the big screen. We also enjoyed looking [...]
Residents enjoyed another TV portal session with Zeezy this afternoon. We had lots of residents [...]
Residents enjoyed a cat therapy session this morning. They were amazed how the cats can [...]
Carol enjoyed a wonderful Cycling Without Age experience this morning at the Botanical Gardens with [...]
Residents enjoyed looking at laminated pictures of Elvis, old photos, etc. which led to conversations [...]
We were invited to try out a new Friendship Event Called “No-one Alone” at the [...]
This morning we enjoyed a game of indoor football , We practiced and then [...]
This afternoon we all enjoyed a lovely afternoon tea in the conservatory and main lounge [...]
Residents enjoyed a wonderful Motion session in the main lounge this afternoon. We warmed up [...]
Edith and Bryan chose to go out on the tri-bike today with Maggie as our [...]
Residents enjoyed choosing some of their favourite records to play in the main lounge this [...]
Residents enjoyed the Memory Ball Game this morning. They were encouraged to catch the ball [...]
Residents and staff enjoyed a visit from Emma and Paul who brought along Lou Lou [...]
Residents enjoyed a reminiscing opportunity looking at laminated pictures of dogs and some played a [...]
Residents enjoyed a Karaoke time in the main lounge this afternoon. Some using the mic [...]
Residents enjoyed the opportunity to look at Pictures to Share books either independently or with [...]
Bert requested a walk around the garden so staff obliged. He thoroughly enjoyed the fresh [...]
Residents enjoyed a variety of Sunday afternoon activities today. Some chose to have a manicure [...]
Residents enjoyed a contemplative church this morning in the Conservatory. We started with a guitar [...]
Residents enjoyed a very exciting golf lesson with Charles this afternoon. Good to have Gill, [...]
Residents enjoyed the gardening club session this morning. Avril was pleased to plant some seeds [...]
Residents were encouraged to read a letter from two children who live in France sent [...]
Residents enjoyed a more intimate in-person Motion experience in the Conservatory with Zeezy and our [...]
Residents enjoyed a Holy Communion Service led by Jennifer and Francis from St Marks Church, [...]
Everyone enjoyed a wonderful Lost Chord performance from Maria on keyboard and Rachel on Soprano. [...]
Residents and staff had a great time with the puppets this morning. Good to say [...]
This afternoon we enjoyed a game of balloon tennis in the main lounge and conservatory. [...]
Residents, staff and family members enjoyed a wonderful Motion Community Games event at the English [...]
We celebrated Nat’s belated birthday today with a cake decorated by residents yesterday. We surprised [...]
Residents enjoyed another lively Motion seated exercise class with Zeezy via the TV portal. Good [...]
Gill and Helen booked a ride on the tri-bike this morning and although it was [...]
Carol, Edith, Lilian and Clarice all volunteered to help decorate a birthday cake for our [...]
Residents and staff said a final Farewell to our lovely chicks. We will try and [...]
Residents chose to look at a couple of old calendars and admiring the beautiful photos [...]
Residents and staff enjoyed a fun time of indoor football in the Conservatory using a [...]
Residents enjoyed a spontaneous guitar singalong in the main lounge – special request from Susan. [...]
Sadly, our chicks will be moving on to pastures new tomorrow (Friday) so staff decided [...]
Residents enjoyed baking scones this afternoon. We had two small groups taking part. Good to [...]
Avril received some flowers today in the post and had fun arranging them in a [...]
Our chicks are now one week old and growing at a phenomenal rate. We took [...]
Residents enjoyed doing a sewing activity this afternoon. Avril, Monica, Edith and Marky were all [...]
Visitors enjoyed looking at our chicks and some were brave enough to hold them. [...]
Residents and families enjoyed an Easter Tea Party and Easter Bonnet Parade in the lounge [...]
Residents thoroughly enjoyed a surprise Easter Bunny Visit, alias Peter Rabbit. Each resident was given [...]
Residents enjoyed a quiet time of reflection and worship to celebrate Easter this morning. Staff [...]
Residents enjoyed another visit from one of our favourite Irish musician and singer, J J [...]
Our lovely chicks are growing fast. Visitors enjoyed seeing them today as much as our [...]
Residents enjoyed decorating Easter bonnets, the Easter tree and a basket display over the past [...]
This afternoon we had a very energetic Motion session with Zeezy via portal TV. We [...]
This afternoon the residents in the conservatory enjoyed having a look, hold and cuddle with [...]
This morning the residents and staff enjoyed transferring the chicks that are 24 hrs old [...]
Residents enjoyed another fabulous Crucible Tea Dance with Becky Austin performing some great songs from [...]
We had a delivery of eggs and incubators yesterday for an eggciting hatching experience in [...]
Residents enjoyed another fabulous Motion exercise class this afternoon, led by Zeezy. Staff helped to [...]
Residents enjoyed looking at various reminiscence pictures this morning. Some of our chaps were very [...]
Residents and staff enjoyed a baby doll therapy session this afternoon. Some amazed at how [...]
This afternoon we had a lovely party for Clarice with Alan Turner singing for us, [...]
Residents enjoyed a DVD karaoke experience this afternoon. Clear words and beautiful pictures made up [...]
Residents spent a fun afternoon enjoying stimulating the senses with sight, sound, touch and smell. [...]
Residents enjoyed the first half of the “Faces of Easter” story this morning as part [...]
Residents enjoyed a guitar singalong in the main lounge this afternoon. Some were singing, some [...]
Eddie and Avril enjoyed a walk around the garden, admiring the flowers and bushes and [...]
Residents enjoyed an early morning golf session in the main lounge after breakfast. Many residents [...]
We had another exciting Motion session with Zeezy via the TV portal. Good to have [...]
Edith chose to go out on the tri-bike with Maggie as our pilot today. The [...]
Edith and Avril volunteered to help decorate a 50th birthday cake for our Deputy Manager, [...]
We enjoyed an early celebration for Anita’s 50th birthday today. She was overjoyed with cards [...]
This afternoon we had a lovely lively session with Jenny Rust (Soprano) and Maria King [...]
Residents chose to take part in an in-house St Marks Church Service led by Frances. [...]