Cycling without age

This morning we were so happy to have our Cycling Without Age, sessions relaunched! We had a wonderful volunteer called Peter who was our pilot. Our first four pairs to venture out on the rickshaw bike were, Edith and Debbie, Keith and Vicky, George and Sonia, and Karen and Olive. Two trips around the general cometary, and two trips around the Botanical gardens. We waved to passers-by, and felt like royally. We are going to work through a list in alphabetical order to make it fair. Not everyone that we asked wanted to have a go this week, but we will keep asking. Once we have gotten back into the swing of things with this, and established a good rhythm, we will invite families to join in when it is your relatives turn. We will be in touch. One of our residents said that it was the best day of his life!!! All of the residents that attended said that it is just what they needed and couldn’t stop talking about it, when they got back