Nature club

This afternoon Vicky and Imogen ran our nature club. Today’s subject was birds. We looked at some bird pictures, and tried to guess the names of them.  Then Vicky would read us a fact about the bird. She showed us a funny picture of what an owls legs look like, when you lift up its feathers, which made us laugh. She also told us some interesting facts about how intelligent Crows are, and told us about a documentary that she saw. Afterwards Vicky used the books that we have, called the book of garden birds, and the book of Woodland birds, which had pictures, facts and even sounds in it. One of our residents reminisced about a poem called Robbin red breast, so Vicky found it on Google and read it out for us. During the session, after some of the birds, Vicky would ask if we knew a song, poem, or rhymes to do with that bird, which lead to lots of reciting of rhymes and singing. We were going to fill the bird feeders afterwards, and have a walk in the garden to see if we could spot, or hear any of the birds, but the weather wasn’t on our side today. Vicky and Imogen went around having one to one time with those that didn’t join in, and sat and read to them, and discussed the bird sounds etc.