In-house church and Godly meditation

This morning Vicky led two small in-house church services, one in the conservatory, and one in the main lounge. We sang some hymns and old Sunday school songs together, which everyone enjoyed. We took it in turns to read comforting scriptures and positive quotes. We said the Lord’s prayer together, which everyone remembers. In the conservatory Vicky did a bit of Godly meditation with us. She played the Teze song “My peace I give you”, and got us to breath out any worries or anxieties, or negativity and breath in God’s peace. We ended with Vicky coming around and offering individual prayer for us and our families. Some wanted prayer for good health, others wanted a prayer of blessing over their families, one wanted to say a prayer of thanksgiving, and one wanted to pray for all those in the military. This was a lovely session, and it blessed Vicky, just as much as it blessed everyone else.