Jesus Centre Tea Dance – 31st January 2019

We had a fabulous time at the Jesus Centre tea dance. There were 45 attendees, including three children and three other care homes. Heather Kass did a wonderful job of singing for us as usual, including some new songs that she’s added to her repertoire. We had most people either on their feet dancing or dancing in their seats/wheelchairs. Thank you to everyone who volunteered to help Vicky set up, clear up afterwards, chaperone and give lifts, she couldn’t have done it without you! We enjoyed jam scones and teas and coffees in the interval. Vicky did a raffle. The prizes were large picture dominoes (Which one of our toddler group members won), a craft kit for making sock monkeys, (which Martin from Ascot Lodge won) and a storybook (which Martin also won and kindly donated it to our toddler group). We did some circle dancing too.