Medieval Mayhem – 23rd July 2018

Medieval Mayhem

We had a fantastic outing to Medieval Mayhem, with the Little Acorns Toddler Group.

The attendees were Margaret Pashley, Margaret Saunders, Margaret Seal and Marion Peck. We were blessed that seven of our Toddler families attended this event – The children really enjoyed playing with the soft play areas, ball pool and going down the slides. The intergenerational socialisation was wonderful to witness especially the resident getting to hold the most junior members of our team. All residents made very positive comments about their experience. Some of the families joined in with the clay modelling activity run by the play centre, whilst others enjoyed juts sitting and blowing/ watch the bubbles been blown by our residents and children -? Who enjoyed this the most!

Jo organised a medieval the med craft session with option of hat making and or shield making – which was popular.
We enjoyed a tasty meal cooked to order by the Chef… we all returned clean plates! The conversation and sharing stories observed at the dinner table was so noteworthy as residents enquired of each other where they had worked previously and enjoyed watching the children at play. The special event was baby Peggy in her highchair eating with us.

A Good Day was had by all with comments of looking forward to the forthcoming Picnic at the Botanical Gardens.


Medieval Mayhem Medieval Mayhem

Medieval Mayhem Medieval Mayhem

Medieval Mayhem Medieval Mayhem

Medieval Mayhem Medieval Mayhem

Medieval Mayhem