Kelham Island 40’s Vintage Fayre – 14th July 2018

A small group of us had a trip out to the 40’s vintage fayre at Kelham Island.

The attendees were Vicky, Olga, Lillie, Arthur and Arthur’s family. There were re-enactments, a fancy-dress contest, lots of artefacts and costumes. There was also lots of stalls where you could buy vintage clothes and artefacts. We saw vintage cars, cake stalls, displays for mining, wedding, wartime and everyday artefacts. We sat and had a cup of tea and a biscuit together while we listened to Susan St James sing. There was a stage where singers and bands were performing 40’s style songs, with an area in front of the stage for dancing, so Vicky, Olga and Lillie had a dance together, which encouraged others to do the same. Olga had lots of complements on her green vintage dress that she was wearing. We did lots of reminiscing and chatting to both visitors and organisers. We came back for lunch, but we could have spent a very long time there! Olga particularly enjoyed this activity as she uses to be a collector of vintage costumes.