Residents enjoyed getting together to sing a selection of different songs and a couple of [...]
Residents enjoyed a lovely visit from our therapy dog, Stanley. They had a wonderful time [...]
Residents enjoyed a wonderful service from St. Mark’s Church where hey partook in hymn singing [...]
Residents enjoyed reading aloud and thumbing through a nature themed anthology of poems and reading [...]
Residents enjoyed watching a powerful performance by Jenny Rust and the lost chord. They loved [...]
Residents enjoyed getting dolled up and glamorous with some makeup. They enjoyed picking out different [...]
Residents enjoyed tossing around our musical, memory ball, covered in music trivia questions. They had [...]
Residents enjoyed a lovely visit with the Lord Mayor where they drank tea and discussed [...]
Residents enjoyed looking through an anthology of seasonal poetry. They enjoyed saying their favourite seasons [...]
Residents enjoyed looking through a collection of vintage, household objects such as Wright’s soap, a [...]
Residents enjoyed a game of indoor football from the comfort of their arm chairs, as [...]
Residents enjoyed holding and cuddling our two reborn therapy dolls. They loved getting to talk [...]
Residents enjoyed a Zeezy portal Motion experience in the main lounge, seated in a large [...]
Esme chose to take part in a card making activity with most residents more interested [...]
Residents in the Conservatory enjoyed a Memory Café event with a guitar singalong time acting [...]
Residents enjoyed taking part in a baking activity this morning. They were offered a choice [...]
Residents enjoyed choosing different dried, laminated leaves to glue onto a big picture of a [...]
Residents enjoyed experimenting with a range of different sensory toys and fidget items as well [...]
Residents enjoyed several, lengthy games of balloon tennis as a group. They greatly enjoyed of [...]
Residents enjoyed having their nails cleaned, clipped and filed. They liked looking through the various [...]
Residents, family and staff enjoyed a trip out to the Theatre Deli to a Dementia [...]
Residents chose to do a variety of things this afternoon, from watching a film, listening [...]
Residents were treated to a Godly Play story this morning about “Creation” as part of [...]
Residents enjoyed a creative Gardening Club this afternoon with some choosing to help out with [...]
Residents enjoyed a birthday party this afternoon with the wonderful J J Galway returning to [...]
Residents enjoyed a trip round Botanical Gardens with Maggie as their pilot. Carol enjoyed showing [...]
Residents enjoyed completing an in-person motion class with Zeezy. They enjoyed the different exercises using [...]
Residents enjoyed playing a game of group Bingo in the conservatory. They enjoyed the friendly [...]
Residents enjoyed completing various general knowledge and music quizzes as a group and playing different [...]
Residents enjoyed looking through all the different song sheets and singing together as well as [...]
Residents enjoyed discussing their favourite film genres and banding together to choose what DVD to [...]
Residents enjoyed a trip out to the Crucible Theatre for a tea dance. They enjoyed [...]
Residents enjoyed trying out the different sensory toys and testing their different functions. They also [...]
Residents enjoyed getting together to raise money for MacMillan by participating in a coffee morning. [...]
Residents enjoyed another Golf lesson with Charles from the charity “Gold in Society”. All those [...]
Residents enjoyed looking through the different picture-to-share books filled with nostalgic images, quotes and poems. [...]
Residents enjoyed going out for walks around the gardens and looking at all the different [...]
Residents enjoyed sorting through our DVD collection and reading the different synopsise and discussing their [...]
Residents enjoyed reminiscing on their holidays and time spent travelling, this sparked interesting conversations about [...]
Residents enjoyed looking through their memory boxes and/or photos as part of a reminiscence activity. [...]
Residents enjoyed listening to Jazz and drinking cocktails/mocktails at our Themed Party this afternoon. Some [...]
Residents enjoyed seeing Charles again for their monthly Golf lesson. We held the event in [...]
Residents enjoyed taking part in the motion exercise class this afternoon with the help of [...]
Residents enjoyed spending some time arranging some flowers, that were generously donated to us. They [...]
Residents enjoyed some time doing quizzes on the interactive tablet in the main lounge. We [...]
Residents enjoyed a visit from the Wise-Owl Rescue. They all had great fun stroking and [...]
Residents enjoyed another fabulous Motion Community Games, this time at Hillsborough Leisure Centre, smaller gym [...]
Residents enjoyed a fun-filled informal church service in the Conservatory this morning. Some chose to [...]
Residents enjoyed a card making activity. Lots of designing, sticking down and satisfaction from such [...]
Residents chose to complete some Beatrix Potter jigsaws. [...]
Residents enjoyed a Resident’s Meeting in the Conservatory with lots of family members supporting this. [...]
Residents enjoyed doing an in-person Motion class with Zeezy. Lots of fun was had with [...]
Residents enjoyed going for a bike ride around the Botanical Gardens and taking in [...]
Residents enjoyed a pleasant trip down memory lane by going through family photos and sharing [...]
Residents enjoyed participating in a harvest festival service from a local church. Residents also took [...]
Residents enjoyed bingo sessions in the main lounge and conservatory. The fun environment sparked friendly [...]
Residents enjoyed a nostalgic trip down Memory Lane with Liz (soprano) and Maria (keyboard) from [...]
Residents enjoyed a cuddle with our three new-born therapy dolls. Residents helped to name them [...]
Residents enjoyed checking out and using a selection of household items and nostalgic objects such [...]
Bryan enjoyed going out for a walk in the gardens to take in the sunlight [...]
Residents enjoyed some fun musical time where they read from music sheets and joined in [...]
Residents enjoyed experimenting with aqua-paints and watching pictures get revealed by the water. The seaside [...]
Residents enjoyed a joint birthday performance this afternoon with family attending too. Pete sang a [...]
Residents enjoyed examining and using a selection of household items and nostalgic objects such as [...]
Residents enjoyed a trip out to the Theatre Deli for a lunch and drinks in [...]
Residents enjoyed an informal church service this morning with a guitar singalong, listening to readings [...]
Residents enjoyed baking a crumble for the apples they peeled yesterday, whilst wearing personalised aprons [...]
Residents enjoyed a journey out in cars with staff and relatives for Afternoon Tea at [...]
Residents enjoyed peeling some apples which were picked from the garden where they have been [...]
Residents enjoyed picking a variety of tomatoes and looking at some flowers that they have [...]
Residents enjoyed participating in a virtual Motion class together. This encouraged residents to exercise their [...]
Residents enjoyed some sing-along fun with the karaoke machine. This encouraged them to laugh and [...]
Residents enjoyed a fun filled game of bingo which inspired some friendly competition and socialisation [...]
Residents enjoyed a Memory Café event in the main lounge, starting off with a guitar [...]
Residents, staff and family members all enjoyed a wonderful Crucible Tea Dance extravaganza with Russ [...]
Residents enjoyed one to one time looking at the picture to share books which included [...]
Residents enjoyed an in-person Chair based exercise extravaganza with the Wonderful Zeezy. He successfully motivated [...]
Residents enjoyed playing the Finish the Proverb Game and taking part in a Quiz this [...]
Residents enjoyed group games of Finish the Proverb and the Alphabet Game and enjoyed a [...]
Residents enjoyed another visit from Rita and Stanley, our own personal therapy dog. We did [...]
Residents enjoyed some time playing sat-down football in the main lounge. This gave them mobility [...]
Residents enjoyed arranging flowers into a variety of vases with a range of styles of [...]
Residents enjoyed looking at some Pictures to Share books of various topics which have amazing [...]
Residents enjoyed one to one chats in their rooms reading some “Good News” booklets on [...]
Residents enjoyed another golf session with our friendly Charles who teaches folk to play golf [...]
Residents enjoyed a warm up session playing Catch with a beachball and doing a spot [...]
Residents enjoyed a ride out on Rhubarb which was piloted by Chris. They enjoyed the [...]
Residents enjoyed reminiscing in a nostalgic café experience. We started off with a sing along [...]
Residents enjoyed a creative time this afternoon painting watercolours. Some new to this and some [...]
Bert enjoyed a stroll round the garden, admiring our new shed and picking and eating [...]
Residents were very excited to have a visit from Oscar and Milo this morning, along [...]
Residents enjoyed a lovely postcard from their pen pal. It included a nice poem about [...]
Residents enjoyed helping decorate some buns to sell at the Summer Fair and to chop [...]
Residents, friends and families enjoyed a marvellous Hallamshire Summer Party this year. We were blessed [...]
Residents had a fun time with Zeezy and lots of staff helping to support the [...]
Bert enjoyed a walk out in the local area and we spotted some blackberries and [...]
Residents enjoyed looking at Pictures to Share Books admiring pictures of animals whilst staff read [...]