Residents, staff and families enjoyed a wonderful joint birthday celebration for Eddie and Peggy this [...]
Residents chose some of their favourite songs to sing accompanied on guitar and answered lots [...]
Residents enjoyed celebrating International Women’s Day together. They shared things they enjoyed about being women [...]
Residents enjoyed playing a fun game of indoor football this afternoon. They enjoyed kicking the [...]
Residents enjoyed an in-person Motion session with Zeezy. They had a great time working out [...]
Residents enjoyed a relaxing pampering session today. They enjoyed applying face creams and having their [...]
Residents enjoyed a pleasant afternoon tea. They had a lovely time listening to classical music [...]
Residents enjoyed a fun filled session of playing multiple intellectually stimulating memory games. These games [...]
Residents enjoyed a thrilling session of using different kinds of sensory toys to fulfil their [...]
Nicole enjoyed a private birthday party in the green room with her family. They had [...]
Residents enjoyed having a relaxed Church service this morning, using our interactive tablet to watch [...]
Residents enjoyed another chair exercise session with Zeezy via the portal. He worked us hard [...]
Residents enjoyed a flower arranging activity with Spring flowers discussing the different types and colours. [...]
Residents enjoyed choosing an egg and spoon for some balancing fun. Some were able to [...]
Residents enjoyed a choice of arts and crafts activities this afternoon. Some chose to do [...]
Residents and family enjoyed a lively karaoke time in the Main Lounge. We sang some [...]
Maureen asked if she could be accompanied around the garden for some fresh air and [...]
Residents enjoyed a friendly, community-based church service this morning. We followed a C of E [...]
Residents enjoyed a lively guitar singalong with many choosing to play percussion instruments and sing [...]
Residents chose to do a variety of activities this morning. A group of ladies enjoyed [...]
Residents enjoyed getting a soothing hand massage and manicure this morning. They soaked their hands [...]
Residents enjoyed a smashing golf game today Charles from the Golf-IN Society. They had a [...]
Residents enjoyed meeting our furry friend Stanley this morning. They had a lovely time crooning [...]
Residents enjoyed a special evening having a restaurant experience in the green lounge this evening. [...]
Residents enjoyed a fun few games of Bingo this morning and had a fantastic competing [...]
Residents enjoyed a fantastic in-person Motion session with Zeezy. They had a great time stretching [...]
Residents enjoyed a soaring and beautiful performance from Lisa and Graziana from the Lost Chord [...]
Residents enjoyed a relaxing session using our different sensory tools. They had fun feeling our [...]
Residents enjoyed their monthly visit from Jennifer of St Marks Church. We sang a couple [...]
Residents enjoyed a session of using the interactive table to complete various activities using the [...]
Residents enjoyed reading the Daily Sparkle newsletter. The newsletter included intellectually stimulating quizzes and many [...]
Residents enjoyed a cinema experience this afternoon. They ate hot, fresh popcorn, sweets and roasted [...]
Residents enjoyed an in-house Church session this morning. They watched a Church of England service [...]
Residents chose to do a variety of activities this afternoon – watching a film, dried [...]
The Daily Sparkle is a reminiscence tool which works by stimulating residents’ happy memories, reminding [...]
Residents enjoyed an in-person Motion session with Zeezy this afternoon! They had a fantastic time [...]
Residents enjoyed playing several games of dominoes this morning! They had a great time battling [...]
Residents and staff enjoyed being part of the Nightingale Choir this afternoon with staff leading [...]
Following on from his party yesterday, Derek enjoyed opening and reading his birthday cards this [...]
Residents and families enjoyed a wonderful Valentines Party, combined with a birthday celebration for Derek. [...]
Residents enjoyed investigating the activity trolley this morning, laden with lots of Valentines memorabilia. Great [...]
Residents enjoyed a wheelchair journey with staff to the Theatre Deli for a showing of [...]
Residents enjoyed a variety of ‘nature’ activities this afternoon. Some chose to have a walk [...]
Residents enjoyed a group in-house church experience, singing hymns, praying, reading verses from the Psalms [...]
Residents enjoyed an in-person Motion session with Zeezy today they had fun getting active with [...]
Residents enjoyed playing a game of Bingo together. They had fun rushing to cross off [...]
Residents enjoyed getting artistic by creating some posters for the upcoming Valentines Day. They had [...]
Residents enjoyed using different sensory simulating items in the main lounge this afternoon. There was [...]
Residents enjoyed a therapeutic session using our reborn baby dolls and lifelike cat dolls this [...]
Residents enjoyed a trip down memory lane with a box of reminiscence objects. They had [...]
Residents enjoyed a fun trip out to the Crucible theatre for a tea dance. They [...]
Residents enjoyed a painting activity this afternoon – using watercolours or aqua paints. The sunsets [...]
Residents seemed to enjoy a guitar singalong in the communal areas this morning. Song sheets [...]
Residents enjoyed a group karaoke session this afternoon. They had a great time singing along [...]
Residents enjoyed an informal Church service this morning. They watched a lovely Church of England [...]
Residents enjoyed putting their creative and culinary skills to the test with some cake decorating [...]
Residents enjoyed an exciting bicycle trip out around Sheffield this morning. They had a wonderful [...]
Residents enjoyed a session with our interactive tablet this morning. They had a fun time [...]
Residents enjoyed a group activity – kneading white icing then adding some food colouring and [...]
Residents enjoyed using oil pastels to colour in a tree and create a beautiful picture [...]
Families, friends and residents had a relaxing Afternoon Tea in the Quiet Lounge, going deeper [...]
Everyone enjoyed a lively Motion session with Zeezy via the TV portal. It was lovely [...]
Resident enjoyed sharing some of their photos and memories with staff this morning. A lovely, [...]
Everyone enjoyed a lively Abba party this afternoon. We sang along quite happily using a [...]
Residents enjoyed an interactive session with the sensory tools. They particularly enjoyed the sensory tiles [...]
Residents enjoyed a fun trip out to the Nursery Tavern for an afternoon drink. They [...]
Residents enjoyed an energising game of catch with our musical memory ball. They had fun [...]
Residents enjoyed a cinema experience in either the main lounge or the conservatory this afternoon. [...]
Residents enjoyed a more Anglican type of Church service this morning in the Conservatory using [...]
Residents enjoyed looking at old postcards and reminiscing. [...]
Residents enjoyed a highly competitive but friendly game of golf with the help of Charles [...]
Residents enjoyed helping to make scrapbooks about their time at Hallamshire care home. This gave [...]
Residents enjoyed an energetic motion session with Zeezy today. They had great time stretching and [...]
Residents enjoyed getting creative with some card making this morning. They had fun creating handmade [...]
Residents enjoyed a lovely visit with Stanley the dog this morning. They had a great [...]
Residents enjoy celebrating Burn’s Night together! They played catch with a knitted haggis and read [...]
Residents enjoyed sharing some books and reading through them with each other. They enjoyed some [...]
Residents enjoyed a productive home cooking session today. They had a great time teaming up [...]
Residents enjoyed a luxury manicure session this morning. They had a relaxing hand soak in [...]
Residents enjoyed doing a spot of knitting and chatting with family members and staff. Many [...]
Residents enjoyed some balloon fun this morning. Slowed things down when we tied a few [...]
Residents enjoyed a Gents Afternoon in the green lounge today. They enjoyed some cold beers [...]
The residents enjoyed leafing through our Pictures to Share books. They had a lovely time [...]
Residents enjoyed a ladies afternoon in the green lounge today. They had a posh afternoon [...]
Elizabeth and Derek both enjoyed a lovely ride round Sheffield this morning courtesy of Cycling [...]
Residents enjoyed a virtual Motion session this afternoon. They had a great time working out [...]
Residents enjoyed a round of the alphabet game this morning. They had a fun time [...]
Residents enjoyed some puppeteering practice with our loveable puppet, Albert. Mixed reactions to him but [...]
Residents and eight young children (with staff) from the Hallam Uni Nursery had a wonderful [...]
Residents and families enjoyed an extra-special time in the Quiet Lounge, sampling all the lovely [...]
Residents enjoyed a lively choir practise led by staff on vocals and Keith on guitar. [...]
Residents enjoyed a group activity around a table, choosing and sticking different themed postcards to [...]
Residents enjoyed a lovely performance from Jenny and Tim from the Lost Chord this afternoon. [...]
Residents enjoyed singalong and poetry sessions this morning. Some chose their favourite songs and we [...]
Residents enjoyed a beautiful service from Jennifer and Francis who led everyone in Holy Communion [...]
Residents enjoyed a fun session using the Motion app on the interactive tablet this morning. [...]
Residents enjoyed a relaxing Gardening Club discussion in the Quiet Lounge this afternoon. We looked [...]
Residents took part in a Memorial Service this morning as we watched a slideshow of [...]
Residents and families enjoyed an intimate meal in the Quiet Lounge. They had a first-class, [...]
Residents enjoyed being encouraged to participate in a karaoke session. Derek chose some Elvis songs [...]