Residents enjoyed a lovely session of colouring this morning. In preparation for the new wish [...]
Residents and family members enjoyed a productive, relaxing knitting session in the Conservatory. Great fun [...]
Eddie enjoyed a wonderful sunny ride out around town this morning on Rhubarb the tri-bike. [...]
Residents enjoyed taking part in the motion exercise class this afternoon in the main lounge. [...]
Residents were given free roam of the oomph app today and chose to do some [...]
Residents enjoyed a group time together looking at pictures/books about birds and discussing their names, [...]
Residents enjoyed their monthly dog petting therapy session with Stanley and his owner Rita. Lovely [...]
Lost Chord 21.05.24 Residents enjoyed a sing a long and dancing with Lost chord , [...]
Residents attended Jennys birthday party this afternoon and were entertained by a singer so that [...]
Residents enjoyed a lovely reminiscence session this morning. This included looking at many thought-provoking items [...]
Residents enjoyed a lively 1950’s party. We sang, danced, clapped and swayed to some great [...]
Residents enjoyed a journey back in time to the land of the Egyptians. Cleopatra and [...]
Residents and families enjoyed a delicious three course meal together in the Green Lounge, relaxing [...]
Residents enjoyed a trip out the English institute of sport today to take part in [...]
Residents enjoyed an afternoon taking part I a variety of different quizzes in the conservatory [...]
Some of the residents enjoyed playing balloon tennis today. Good time was had by all. [...]
Residents enjoyed taking part in motion in the main lounge this afternoon with Zeezy. This [...]
A few residents chose to sit outside this afternoon and enjoy the warmth and sunshine. [...]
Residents enjoyed a competitive game of Bingo this morning. Good to have family joining in [...]
Residents enjoyed a “Time For a Cuppa” Fundraising event as part of our Hallamshire Tea [...]
Residents enjoyed having hand and nail manicures this morning. They were given a choice of [...]
Residents enjoyed looking at the daily sparkle magazines this morning which have a lot of [...]
Residents enjoyed a thrilling session of memory games this afternoon which included being given a [...]
Residents enjoyed a morning that consisted of spending time in the garden and relaxing in [...]
Residents were offered the opportunity to go out into the garden this afternoon. Some chose [...]
Residents helped to decide what we wanted to bake from the Bero book today. Maureen [...]
Residents enjoyed an inclusive Gardening Club activity involving plastic flower arranging. They chose and named [...]
Maureen and Bryan had a wonderful time out this morning with Cycling Without Age pilot [...]
Residents enjoyed an afternoon taking part in motion in the main lounge. This involved a [...]
This Morning Residents enjoyed a reminiscence morning , we played finish the proverb , spoke [...]
This afternoon residents enjoyed using our brand new oomph app where we enjoyed music quizzes [...]
Residents enjoyed a fun afternoon participating in a may day party in the main lounge. [...]
Residents enjoyed a morning making daffodils in the main lounge and conservatory. This was a [...]
Residents enjoyed a few fun games with the memory ball this afternoon. They were encouraged [...]
Residents enjoyed various fun games that were all based around fulfilling their sensory wants and [...]
Residents enjoyed another call with the Austrian school children to chat with them and to [...]
Residents were delighted to spend an afternoon playing golf in the Conservatory with Charles as [...]
Zuandi enjoyed going out with her friends Irene and Virginia to the Sheffield Chinese Christian [...]
Jimmy and his companion represented the Hallamshire Care Home on the Big Ride event in [...]
Residents enjoyed an afternoon taking part in motion in the main lounge with Zeezy. This [...]
Residents had a fun time painting flowers on our May pole this morning in preparation [...]
Residents and their families enjoyed a lovely, lively atmosphere in the Green Lounge during the [...]
Residents enjoyed a fun game of dominos this afternoon. The game encouraged building friendships and [...]
Residents enjoyed a lovely visit from the Hallam University Nursery children this morning. This visit [...]
Residents enjoyed a walk around the garden or a trip to the shops, admiring the [...]
Residents chose to do a variety of activities this morning. Some attended the in-house church [...]
The care home was donated two football tickets due to John being a keen Sheffield [...]
Residents enjoyed another lively choir session led by Keith on guitar. We sang a variety [...]
Residents enjoyed a time getting to know each other whilst using the interactive tablet this [...]
Residents enjoyed an afternoon taking part in motion in the main lounge with Zeezy on [...]
Residents enjoyed taking playing memory games in the conservatory this afternoon. We played the alphabet [...]
Residents enjoyed spending time using sensory stimulating items this morning. There was a range of [...]
Residents enjoyed a zoom call with Austrian school children to help them learn more English [...]
Residents enjoyed their monthly visit from St Marks Church. They listened to a bible story, [...]
Residents enjoyed a lovely session of painting to celebrate world art day. They were encouraged [...]
Residents enjoyed a motion session this afternoon in the main lounge. This involved a range [...]
Hi all, One of our staff members, Peter, is taking part in three half marathons [...]
Residents enjoyed some 1 to 1 time with staff looking at picture to share books. [...]
Residents and family enjoyed an exciting 77th Birthday celebration for Fred this afternoon. Great to [...]
Residents enjoyed another Stanley visit with his owner Rita. Many look forward to this monthly [...]
Residents enjoyed another reminiscence activity with the Daily Sparkle sheets today. Some could read these [...]
Residents enjoyed a productive baking experience this morning and chose to make some scones. A [...]
Residents and families enjoyed a lovely time at the crucible tea dance with Russ Elliot [...]
Residents enjoyed playing some fun filled memory games. These memory games included finish the proverb, [...]
Residents enjoyed a lovely session of looking at photos, stamps and postcards that encouraged them [...]
Residents enjoyed using a sensory Active Minds resource that involved touch and guessing what the [...]
Residents had fun using an old telephone for role play. They were encouraged to pick [...]
Residents enjoyed a fun-filled church experience this morning in the Conservatory. Others preferred a more [...]
Residents enjoyed reading this week’s Daily Sparkle sheets with some very interesting articles prompting reminiscing [...]
Residents, family and staff enjoyed a relaxing time together knitting, displaying and admiring knitting/crochet projects [...]
Sarah and David enjoyed a lovely cycle ride to the Botanical Gardens and Endcliffe/Bingham, with [...]
Residents enjoyed an afternoon taking part in the motion exercise class in the main lounge. [...]
Residents enjoyed looking at picture to share books this morning. There was a variety of [...]
Residents enjoyed a lovely game of dominos with staff and other residents. This game encouraged [...]
Residents enjoyed a lovely session of colouring and crafts. This activity encouraged them to relax [...]
Residents enjoyed a thrilling session of memory games with the memory ball. This game includes [...]
Residents enjoyed an activity of reminiscing about their past experiences with April fools day and [...]
Residents and families enjoyed a wonderful Joint Birthday celebration for Irene, Clarice and Jim. Nicola [...]
Residents enjoyed another visit from Gloria and family with her two rabbits Oscar and Milo. [...]
Residents and family members enjoyed an interactive Residents Meeting with lots of questions and good [...]
Fred and Esme enjoyed having a restaurant experience in the green lounge this afternoon for [...]
Residents enjoyed some fun filled memory games. They particularly enjoyed a game of ‘name the [...]
Residents and visitors got the wonderful opportunity to hold and cuddle the chicks. They particularly [...]
Residents enjoyed an afternoon taking part in the motion exercise class with Zeezy in the [...]
Residents and visitors enjoyed getting to look at and hold the baby chicks that have [...]
Residents enjoyed their monthly visit from Rita and her cute dog called Stanley. Always puts [...]
Residents and visitors enjoyed the opportunity to watch the eggs hatch and to see the [...]
Residents and their families enjoyed a lovely afternoon tea together. A wonderful opportunity to get [...]
Residents enjoyed a fun afternoon playing bingo in the conservatory. They enjoyed a nice cup [...]
Residents enjoyed their monthly visit from St Marks Church. They sang many lovely hymns, listened [...]
Today the Chicken eggs arrived for us to monitor and nurture before they start hatching [...]
Residents enjoyed a luxury hand massage and manicure this morning. They enjoyed a hand soak [...]
Residents enjoyed a very well attended Motion class this afternoon with Zeezy via the portal. [...]
Residents enjoyed a variety of fun activities this morning in the Conservatory, some choosing a [...]
Residents enjoyed playing memory games in both the main lounge and conservatory this afternoon. We [...]
Residents enjoyed a fun trip out to the Crucible Theatre for the monthly tea-dance. They [...]
Residents enjoyed a cinema experience at Theatre Deli. They watched the classic film ‘chitty chitty [...]
Residents and families enjoyed a spectacular Mother’s Day Tea Party this afternoon. The care home [...]
Residents enjoyed time with staff opening cards and presents this morning. Some were visited or [...]