Resident’s meeting

This morning we had a Resident’s meeting with Vicky. Today’s topic was activities. Vicky read out a list of the activities that we already do here and a list of activities that we haven’t done for a while, due to lock down. She asked the residents how much they enjoy or would want to take part, on a scale of 1-4,

4= Absolutely, count me in!

3= Sounds good, ask me on the day

2= If I’ve nothing better to do

1= Not for me thanks

This was very informative and gave Vicky a good idea what are the most popular activities amongst the residents. We only managed to get 9 questionnaires done this morning due to dime and distractions, but Vicky will continue until everyone that can communicate has had a chance to do one. When everyone has done, Vicky will do a tally chart and rethink how often to do each activity. The activities that we already offer are:

*Manicures =

*Motion (Exercise class with Zeezy) =

*Walks/trips around the block on foot or in wheelchair =

*Sitting in the garden =

*In-house church service =

*Bible study =

*Regular Bingo =

*Music Bingo =

*Arts and crafts =

*Movie afternoon =

*Sing along session =

*Party with singer =

*Book sharing =

*Brain games =

*Fun and games =

*Table top games =

*Nature club =

*Gardening club =

*Baby cuddles with Sienna  =

*Cuddles with cats, Jasper and Cleo =

*Pampering (facial, perfume, hair brushed, make up) =

*Knitting =

*Reminiscing =

*Photo sharing =

*Themed days such as Royal family day =

*Sewing, threading and weaving =

*Messages home and letter writing =


*Icing buns or biscuits =

*Massage =

*Dress up fun =

*Hook a duck =

*Modelling Sand fun =

*Home from home (Polishing brass, pairing socks, folding laundry, ironing) =

*Interactive screen =

*Tattoo parlour (temporary stick-on tattoos) =

*multi-sensory relaxation (Light up things, textured things, soothing sounds and smells) =

*Colouring in =

*Water painting =

*Dominoes =

*Jigsaws =

*Board games =

*Music session =

When we are allowed

*Trip to cinema =

*Pub =

*Cafes =

*Tea dances =

*Museums =

*Holy communion =

*Stories for the soul/Godly play =

*Library =

*Garden centres =

*Outings to church =

*Summer fayres =

*Cycling without age (Chariot ride) =

*Botanical gardens picnic =

*Toddler group visit =

*Hairdressers =

*Coffee morning =

*Mobile zoo =

*Farms =